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Alinx Electronic Limited

FH7000 16bit/14bit ADC AD9371 Communication RF FMC HPC Board

FH7000 is a high-performance, broadband, and highly integrated RF sub card based on the VITA57.1FMC architecture.The board is based on the agile transceiver AD9371 as the processing core, suitable for application in general software wireless Electric platform.

Artikelnummer VAR-827002770

Hersteller-Teilenummer: FH7000

Taric/custom code: 84733020000

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Artikel befindet sich in und wird versendet von: Riedlingen, Deutschland

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FH7000 16bit/14bit ADC AD9371 Communication RF FMC HPC Board

Product Description

FH7000 is a high-performance, broadband, and highly integrated RF sub card based on the VITA57.1FMC architecture.The board is based on the agile transceiver AD9371 as the processing core, suitable for application in general software wireless Electric platform. Electric platform.

FH7000 has a standard  FMC HPC interface that can be connected to the ALINX FPGA carrier board for use.


  • ● 3G,4G and 5G macrocell base stations

    ● Military communications

  • ● FDD and TDD active antenna systems

    ● Portable test equipment

  • ● Microwave, nonline of sight (NLOS) backhaul systemsElectronic warfare

  • ● Massive MIMO

Key Features

  • ● Chip Model: AD9371
    ● Overlay Band: 300MHz-6GHz
    ● 16bit ADC & 14bitDAC
    ● Supports half duplex, full duplex, TDD/FDD mode
    ● RF impedance matching 50 Ω
    ● Maximum RX bandwidth: 8MHz-100MHz
  • ● Maximum TX synthetic bandwidth: 250MHz
    ● Integrated power amplifier( 14dB@2GHz ), supporting a maximum transmission power of 10dBm output
    ● Supports internal or external reference clocks
    ● JESD204B Digital Interface
    ● FMC HPC connector
    ● Dimensions: 76.5 x 69 mm form factor

Module Features

FH7000 16bit/14bit ADC AD9371 Communication RF FMC HPC Board

Module Architecture

FH7000 16bit/14bit ADC AD9371 Communication RF FMC HPC Board

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All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please verify component specifications with vendor's datasheets.

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What's Inside the Box

FMC Cards1

Product Matrix

Product Model

USD Price
