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Digilent Inc.

Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes

This High Speed Adapter, for the DIN_USR connector on the Digital Discovery, is an alternative to the 2X16 flywire assembly.

Référence de l’article: VAR-827000428

Numéro de produit du fabricant: 410-349

Code douane: 84718090

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Article situé / expédié de : Riedlingen, Allemagne

49,34 EUR *
Contenu 1 pièce

* Hors TVA hors Frais de livraison

The High Speed Adapter, for the DIN_USR connector on the Digital Discovery, is an alternative to the 2X16 flywire assembly. It provides access for 24 twisted cables and allows increased sample rates for up 800MS/s on the Digital Discovery. The adapter is not keyed, and both orientations can be used as the twisted wires are not color-coded.


  • Alternative to the 2x16 flywire assembly for the Digital Discovery
  • Provides access for up to 24 twisted cables
  • Provides increased sample rates of up to 800MS/s on the Digital Discovery

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x High Speed Adapter for the Digital Discovery in an Anti-Static bag
  • 16 x High Speed logic Probes


  • Manufacturer: Digilent Inc.
  • Manufacturer's article name: Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
  • Manufacturer's article number: 410-349


Other Digilent products are available on request.

ID de l’art. 100329
ID de l'ancien article 2652
Modèle 410-349
Fabricant Digilent Inc.
Pays de fabrication Taiwan
Contenu 1 pièce
Poids 14 g
Poids net 14 g