UAB Teltonika Telematics

Carrier reefer cable (PPCB00000460)

Real-time information from Carrier reefers

Código de artículo VAR-827000198

Número de pieza del fabricante: PRIEDASCFC, 058R-00284, 058R 00284

Código aduanero: 85269180

Disponible para envío inmediato: ${ $ }

Retraso previsto en el envío por encima de las existencias disponibles: 2 - 4 semanas

Artículo ubicado en y enviado desde: Riedlingen, Alemania

13,77 USD *
Contenido 1

* Sin IVA excl. Gastos de envío


Make sure that precious cargo of your customer or yourself arrives at its destination undamaged and well maintained. You can now monitor real-time data from Carrier reefers with Teltonika FMX6 pro tracker. The solution is easy to install – just plug one end to RS232 port of FMX6 and other to Carrier reefer*. After applying simple configuration, you will be able to monitor real-time temperature, fridge door status, alarms and generate variety of events according your needs.

  • Supported Carrier refrigerators models: Vector 1800, Vector 1850, Vector 1850 MT, Vector 1550
  • Cable length: 70 cm

For more information such as installation** and device configuration please check our.

*- With the first edition/version of cable it is required to connect wires on one end to RJ45 plug.

**- Installation manual can be also found in downloads tab

Identificación de artículo 100145
ID de artículo histórico 100012
Modelo PRIEDASCFC, 058R-00284, 058R 00284
Fabricante UAB Teltonika Telematics
País de origen
Contenido 1 undefined
Peso 50 g
Peso neto 50 g
Dimensiones 0×0×700mm

Standard order codes

Product code Region Package contains
PRIEDASCFC World Wide Market Carrier reefer special cable